
News--Partnership to CTPECC


After working together on the Asian-Pacific Forum at NDHU on November 29, 2023, the Ph.D. Program in APRS established a new partnership with the Chinese Taipei Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (hereinafter referred to as CTPECC).

CTPECC was established in 1984 by representatives from business, government, and academia, and it became a full Pacific Economic Cooperation Committee (hereinafter referred to as PECC) member in 1986.

The PECC is an important international organization for economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, and it also plays a critical role in consultation and advice on APEC's major initiatives and plans.

By participating in PECC, the CTPECC can assist the government in researching and analyzing significant economic cooperation plans and enhance the citizens's international perspective to create more opportunities for cooperation and dialogues in the Asia-Pacific region.

By being a partner of CTPECC, the Ph.D. program in APRS will have multiple perspectives and channels to receive essential regional research information.

To learn more about the CTPECC, please visit the Website.
